Star on Ice Inline Figure Skating Program (Free Skating 1 ~ 10)
2008.12.01 UPDATED
花式一級(S.O.I. Free Skating 1):
1. 前滑內刃蓮蓬 (Forward Inside Pivot)
2. 雙腳旋轉 (Two-Foot Spin)
3. 前滑阿爾卑式 (Forward Arabesques)
4. 後退壓刃滑行 (Backward Edges)
a. 後滑外刃 (Backward Outside Edges)
b. 後滑內刃 (Backward Inside Edges)
5. 半圈菲力普跳(One-Half Flip)
6. 華爾滋跳 (Waltz Jump)
7. 半圈組合跳:(Waltz Jump Combination)
8. 華爾滋跳+半圈點跳+半圈菲力普跳
花式二級(S.O.I. Free Skating 2):
1. 芭蕾跳躍 (Ballet Jump)
2. 半圈華力點跳 (One-Half Toe Walley)
3. 半圈勒茲跳躍 (One-Half Lutz)
4. 單腳旋轉 (One-Foot Spin)
5. 兩種前滑阿爾卑式 (Two Forward Arabesques)
6. 半圈組合跳:(Waltz Jump + Ballet Jump Combination)華爾滋跳+芭蕾跳躍
7. 二級舞步 (Dance Step Sequence)
花式三級(S.O.I. Free Skating 3):
1. 後滑外刃蓮蓬/後滑內刃蓮蓬 (Backward Outside or Backward Inside Pivot)
2. 一圈沙克跳躍 (Salchow Jump)
3. 換腳旋轉 (Change Foot Spin)
4. 後滑阿爾卑式 (Backward Arabesque)
5. 拖路普點跳或華力點跳 (Toe Loop or Toe Walley Jump)
6. 沙克+拖路普組合跳躍 (Salchow + Toe Loop Jump Combination)
7. 三級舞步 (Dance Step Sequence)
花式四級(S.O.I. Free Skating 4):
1. 一圈菲力普跳躍 (Flip Jump)
2. 一圈路普跳 (Loop Jump)
3. 蹲轉 (Sit Spin)
4. 半圈路普跳 (One-Half Loop Jump)
5. 菲力普+路普組合跳躍 (Flip + Loop Jump Combination)
6. 兩種後滑阿爾卑式 (Two Backward Arabesques)
7. 後滑外刃/內刃轉 3;四級舞步
a. 右腳/左腳後滑外刃轉 3 (Right and Left Backward Three Turns)
b. 右腳/左腳後滑內刃轉 3 (Right and Left Backward Inside Three Turns)
花式五級(S.O.I. Free Skating 5):
1. 一圈勒茲跳躍 (Lutz Jump)
2. 艾克索跳躍 (Axel Jump)
3. 艾克索+拖路普組合跳躍 (Axel + Toe Loop Jump Combination)
4. 駝轉 (Camel Spin)
5. 駝轉→蹲轉→直立單腳旋轉組合 (Camel-Sit-Upright Spin)
6. 後向快速直立旋轉 (Fast Back Scratch Spin)
7. 五級舞步 (Dance Step Sequences)
a. 左腳前滑外刃開腿式「查克特」 (Left Forward Outside Open Swing Choctaw)
b. 左腳前滑內刃開腿式「查克特」 (Left Forward Inside Open Choctaw)
c. 左腳前滑外刃括弧 (Left Forward Outside Bracket)
d. 右腳前滑內刃括弧 (Right Forward Inside Bracket)
花式六級(S.O.I. Free Skating 6):
1. 半圈分腿跳躍 (1/2 Split Jump)
2. 半圈後外分腿跳躍 (Split Falling Leaf )
3. 艾克索跳躍組合 (Jump Combination)
4. 兩圈沙克跳躍 (Double Salchow)
5. 兩圈沙克+拖路普組合跳躍 (Double Salchow + Toe Loop Jump Combination)
6. 雙足交叉旋轉/後仰弓身旋轉/換腳坐轉 (Cross-Foot Spin, Lay-back Spin, or Sit-Change-Sit Spin)
a. 雙足交叉旋轉:
b. 後仰弓身旋轉:
c. 換腳蹲轉:
7. 旋轉組合 (Spin Combination with Change of Foot and Position)
8. 六級舞步 (Dance Step Sequences)
花式七級(S.O.I. Free Skating 7):
1. 兩圈點套跳或兩圈華力點跳 (Double Toe Loop/Double Toe Walley Jump)
2. 兩次華力連續跳躍 (Two Walley Jump in Sequence)
3. 飛跳駝轉 (Flying Camel Spin)
4. 單足艾克索跳躍→1/4圈菲力普跳躍→艾克索跳躍組合 (One-Foot Axel into One-Quarter Flip into Axel)
5. 跳躍組合 (Jump Combination) (a)Axel Jump→ 1/2 Loop→2 Salchow 或(a)或(b)選擇一項(b)Axel Jump→半圈點跳→2 Toe Loop
6. 組合旋轉 (Combination Spin)
7. 七級舞步 (Dance Step Sequences)
a. 右腳前滑外刃內鉤 (Right Forward Outside Rocker)
b. 右腳前滑內刃外鉤 (Right Forward Inside Counter)
c. 左腳前滑內刃外鉤 (Left Forward Inside Counter)
d. 左腳後滑內刃內鉤 (Left Backward Inside Rocker)
花式八級(S.O.I. Free Skating 8):
1. Jumps:
a. 女生至多六種跳躍,男生則至多七種跳躍,Maximum of 6 jump elements (girls) and Maximum of 7 jump elements (boys)
b. 其中包含一個 Axel 類型之跳躍 及 One of which must be an Axel type jump, and
c. 至少一組組合跳(至多包含三個連跳) 或一組系列跳 (第一跳及最後一跳須為2 圈,中間可以半圈跳串連) One jump combination (may be up to three) orsequence of jumps must be included.
2. Spins:
a. 駝式旋轉、蹲坐旋轉或後仰弓身旋轉(至少 6 圈) Camel Spin, Sit Spin or Layback Spin
b. 飛躍駝式旋轉(至少 5 圈) Flying Camel Spin ( minimum 6 revolutions)
c. 組合旋轉包含一次換足及至少變換一次姿勢,每足至少 5 圈,總共旋轉 10 圈(含)以上,組合旋轉變換姿勢須 2 圈以上。Spin Combination: Consisting of one change of foot and one change of position (minimum of ten (10) revolutions). In spins the minimum number of revolutions required in a position is two (2).
3. Steps:
a. 女生:一組飛燕連接步,充分運用地面空間。
b. 男生:一組連接步(直線型、圓型、蛇型任選一種) One Steps Sequence (Boys) or Spiral Step sequence (Girls) that fully utilize the ice surface.
花式九級(S.O.I. Free Skating 9):
1. Jumps 跳躍:女生至多七種跳躍,男生則至多八種跳躍:Maximum 7 jump elements for Ladies & Maximum 8 jump elements for Men,
a. 其中包含一個 Axel 類型之跳躍 及 One of which must be an Axel type jump, and
b. 至少一組組合跳(至多包含三個連跳) 或一組系列跳(第一跳及最後一跳可為 3
圈或 2 圈,中間可用半圈點跳或 half loop 串連);2 Axel 與任何三圈跳若欲重複執行,只能在組合跳或系列跳中重複演出。One jump combination can contain up to three (3) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. Only two (2) jumps with 2.5 revolutions or 3 revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence.
2. Spins 旋轉:至多三種不同性質之旋轉:Maximum of 3 spins of different nature:
a. 一種單個姿勢之旋轉:駝式旋轉、蹲坐旋轉 或(女)後仰弓身旋轉(至少 6 圈) Spin with only one position: (minimum of 6 revolutions), Camel Spin, Sit Spin or Layback Spin for Ladies
b. 一種飛躍式旋轉(至少 6 圈) Flying Spin (minimum of 8 revolutions)
c. 一種組合旋轉包含一次換足及變換二次姿勢,每足至少 5 圈,總共旋轉 10 圈(含)以上,組合旋轉變換之姿勢須轉 2 圈(含)以上。Spin Combination: Consisting of one change of foot and two changes of position (minimum of ten (10) revolutions). In spins, the minimum number of revolutions required in a position is two (2).
3. Steps 連接步:
a. (女):兩種不同連接步:一組連接步(直線型、圓型、蛇型任選一種)及一組飛燕連接步,充分運用地面空間。Ladies: Maximum 2 step sequences, one of which must be a spiral sequence.
b. (男):至多兩種不同連接步 (直線型、圓型、蛇型任選兩種,充分運用地面空間) Men: Two step sequences of different nature with full utilization of ice surface (straight line, serpentine or circular)
花式十級(S.O.I. Free Skating 10):
1. Jumps 跳躍:女生至多七種跳躍,男生則至多八種跳躍:Maximum 7 jump elements for Ladies & Maximum 8 jump elements for Men,
a. 其中包含一個 Axel 類型之跳躍 及 One of which must be an Axel type jump, and
b. 至少一組組合跳(至多包含三個連跳) 或一組系列跳 (第一跳及最後一跳可為 3
圈或 2 圈,中間可用半圈點跳或 half loop 串連);2 Axel 與任何三圈跳 若欲重複執行,只能在組合跳或系列跳中重複演出。One jump combination can contain up to three (3) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two most difficult jumps will be counted. Only two (2) jumps with 2.5 revolutions or 3 revolutions can be repeated either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence.
2. Spins 旋轉:至多四種不同性質之旋轉:Maximum of 4 spins of different nature:
a. 兩種單個姿勢之旋轉:駝式旋轉、蹲坐旋轉 或(女)後仰弓身旋轉(至少 6 圈)Spin with only one position: (minimum of 6 revolutions), Camel Spin, Sit Spin or Layback Spin for Ladies
b. 一種飛躍式旋轉(至少 6 圈) Flying Spin (minimum of 6 revolutions)
c. 一種組合旋轉包含一次換足及至少變換二次姿勢,每足至少 5 圈,總共旋轉 10圈(含)以上,組合旋轉變換之姿勢須轉 2 圈(含)以上才算數。Spin Combination: Consisting of one change of foot and at least two changes of positions (minimum of ten (10) revolutions). In spins, the minimum number of revolutions required in a position is two (2).
3. Steps 連接步:
a. (女):兩種不同連接步:一組連接步(直線型、圓型、蛇型任選一種)及一組飛燕連接步,充分運用地面空間。Ladies: Maximum 2 step sequences, one of which must be a spiral sequence.
b. (男):至多兩種不同連接步 (直線型、圓型、蛇型任選兩種,充分運用地面空間) Men: Two step sequences of different nature with full utilization of ice surface (straight line, serpentine or circular)